Tag: Productivity

  • Methods for Taking Screenshots on Different Laptop Models in the Philippines

    Methods for Taking Screenshots on Different Laptop Models in the Philippines

    The method for taking screenshots on a laptop will vary depending on your specific model and operating system. However, some general methods will work on most laptops. Here are some methods for taking screenshots on different laptop models in the Philippines: For Dell laptops: For HP laptops: For Acer laptops: For Asus laptops: For Lenovo…

  • Conquering Final Exams: Top Study Tips

    Conquering Final Exams: Top Study Tips

    The post offers top study tips for acing final exams: 1. Plan ahead and create a realistic study schedule. 2. Organize study materials for easy access. 3. Review semester notes to identify areas for review. 4. Set specific study times and find a quiet place to focus. 5. Read, take notes, and write everything you…

  • Embrace a New You in 2024: Unique and Inspiring New Year’s Resolution Ideas

    Embrace a New You in 2024: Unique and Inspiring New Year’s Resolution Ideas

    As 2024 begins, set resolutions for personal growth and positive change. Consider daily meditation for mental clarity, explore a new hobby monthly to broaden perspectives, and embrace a plant-based diet for health and sustainability. Start a gratitude journal to foster positivity, engage in weekly acts of kindness, and master a new language for cognitive enhancement…

  • Awesome Tips To Start the Semester Right

    Awesome Tips To Start the Semester Right

    The second semester for AY 2022-2023 has just started πŸ’š I am making this post for my students and everyone preparing for the next term/semester in your uni so you can start the semester right! 1. Plot your class schedules πŸ’š Our school has a system that allows the faculty and students to get their…

  • First Post for 2023 – What are my BIG GOALS?

    First Post for 2023 – What are my BIG GOALS?

    Happy New Year to you all 🌻 I am happily writing this entry. I wanted to welcome 2023 with a grateful heart despite the many challenges that the world is facing today. Indeed, this year will bring us JOY, HAPPINESS, and PROSPERITY 🌻 Let’s believe and claim them TODAY! So, in this post, I am…

  • On FORCED Leave, but still WORKING?

    On FORCED Leave, but still WORKING?

    Let me share with you a photo of my morning meal ^_^ I am not complaining. I am emphasizing that as a government employee, there are services that we should be extending even if we are on LEAVE. All government employees who read this line will undoubtedly agree with me. It is expected of us….

  • How to Stay Focused when Overwhelmed with Loads of Tasks

    How to Stay Focused when Overwhelmed with Loads of Tasks

    It is difficult to stay focused when you are soaked with overwhelming amount of tasks. If you are like me, I always sway my way out from the right path HAHAHA and I do things that entertain me FIRST, takes a deep breath then DIVE to the tasks! We can always design our own ways…

  • Study Tips #1: How to Recall What You Have Read

    Study Tips #1: How to Recall What You Have Read

    It is always a struggle to recall what you have just read. It seems that you are just flipping pages, letting the time pass by without any retention. Where did all those words go? Was I not able to capture anything? If that was a good read, why can’t I recall anything? You may feel…

  • Working on Something Else Aside from Learning Research

    Working on Something Else Aside from Learning Research

    I do multitask, but I do keep a record of my progress and I always give myself an allowance to delay the completion of some goals to achieve.

  • How to Manage Time during COVID-19 As A Student

    How to Manage Time during COVID-19 As A Student

    This post will provide you tips on how to manage your time during COVID-19 as a student.