Tag: Dissertation Journey

  • PhD Update! Done with Data Collection

    PhD Update! Done with Data Collection

    Finally, after three months of finding time to gather data for my dissertation, finally, I was able to get the final data I needed. I still needed to study my statistical treatment so that I could match my readings to the results I would get. I hope I can pull this off. I want to…

  • How to Prepare for Proposal Defense

    How to Prepare for Proposal Defense

    Late nights of sleep are not yet over because, as of the writing of this post, I am still preparing for the upcoming proposal defense. I slept a quarter to midnight after sending my final draft of the proposal manuscript. I woke up feeling groggy. This is normal. To suffer physically, emotionally, and financially hahaha…

  • 💚✨Progress is Not Linear, We Just Need to Keep Moving 💪💚

    💚✨Progress is Not Linear, We Just Need to Keep Moving 💪💚

    This academic year, I decided to end my hiatus with my dissertation. And so I started again reading and writing my paper. It is very challenging because of the loads of tasks I need to accomplish weekly for my teaching job. I have two (2) designations that consume so much of my time and energy….

  • My Yoga and My Dissertation

    My Yoga and My Dissertation

    Let me share my thoughts while performing my Yoga practice and thinking about my dissertation. These days, my hands are so full because of our school’s accreditation tasks, research projects, other research and extension-related involvements, and more. But, my priorities will always boil down to my health and dissertation. Yoga helps me a lot in…