Month: June 2023

  • Should you do qualitative research or quantitative research? Here’s how to decide!

    Should you do qualitative research or quantitative research? Here’s how to decide!

    If you are starting your research journey and are troubled about what research design to use, you must read this post to guide you in making the right decision. I also had this dilemma because both designs are exciting to explore. Whatever level you are at in your academic journey, the best thing for you…

  • 3 Best Approaches on How to Teach Research to High School Students

    3 Best Approaches on How to Teach Research to High School Students

    Research teachers always encounter difficulties in learning how to teach research to high school students. The nature of research is complex, and simplifying every little detail about it is already difficult. To help you with this dilemma, here are some approaches you can use to simplify your teaching delivery. 1st Approach – Help them Understand…

  • I Feel My Age

    I Feel My Age

    Let me make this post to share with you a few of my realizations these days. Many things I am dealing with right now made me realize that I am not getting any younger. I am almost 35- just a few weeks from now. Am I panicking? No, I am not. Many people are so…

  • NameCheap service is EXCELLENT!

    NameCheap service is EXCELLENT!

    I am so grateful for the assistance provided by Dmytro Rozkin in my SSL installation. This excellent service of NAMECHEAP personnel is one of the reasons why I am not giving up blogging because they make things easier for me. I am not techy, but I can address technical concerns about running a blog with…