I Feel My Age

Let me make this post to share with you a few of my realizations these days. Many things I am dealing with right now made me realize that I am not getting any younger. I am almost 35- just a few weeks from now. Am I panicking? No, I am not.

Many people are so worried because I am still single. I am happy that they are doing the worrying job for me. What worries me more these days is not being able to travel with my loved ones because of my career. I love my job. I love teaching. I love what I do, but other tasks consume much of my time.

I am always mentioning that here. I hope someday I can make a decision that will lead me to a more accessible, more stable, and more peaceful life ^_^

I am not worried that I will grow old alone because I am sure I will not be alone. I may not have someone with me, but I’ll have everyone I love.

I feel my age every time I see my parents savoring the beauty of aging. I love that they make fun of their muscle pains because they accept the process of aging. I know it is not fun at all, but taking realities in life is the best way to make the most of what God has given to all of us – the gift to live and love.

I feel my age every time I see myself struggling to change my everyday routine – trying to establish a healthy lifestyle, desperately moving my body, and controlling my cravings so that I can wear the beautiful outfits I imagine myself wearing in all events I will attend.

I feel my age and my limitations, my weakness, my flaws. But it also makes me realize what to focus on in life. Whatever lies ahead of me, as I grow older and older each year, with me are the beautiful things I always carry to remind me that all the times that have passed are the fragments that made me whole today.

Such a great reminder:

About the Author

Jevannel is passionate about teaching and learning about anything. She loves to share her words with the world, hoping for readers to get something from her works. She specializes in Science Education and Research and she also writes poetry and many other things.

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