#TEACHINGTOOLS – How to Create A Maze Puzzle In Your Activity Sheets

As a teacher, it is important to be creative and resourceful. In this post, I will provide you steps on how you can create A MAZE PUZZLE for your activity sheets.

Like you, I did plan to do it manually, but then I realized, maybe there are websites I can use to help me in generating one because in creating a CROSS-WORD PUZZLE, I was also able to do it with the help of an online source.

Also, the best feature of this website is that it allows you to modify your mazes depending on which Shape, Style, Width, Height, Inner width, Inner height, Starting point and the PDF file where you can download and print your MAZE PUZZLE.

So, here it is. I found the MAZE GENERATOR.

It has a very simple interface, with no ADS popping ^_^

So, here is my output, using the MAZE PUZZLE in helping the Western European Nations spread Western Science to the New Lands where NONSCIENTIFIC SOCIETIES await. This is for my STS 121 class.

You can explore on the Shapes, like these:

You may also adjust the level of difficulty by adjusting the ADVANCED TAB, choosing between 0-100 difficulty level.

There you have it!

If you do not want to download the image as PDF, just screen clip it using the SNIPPING TOOL, free software in your PC, one of the most helpful tools I’ll recommend in screen clipping specific parts on your screen.

How about you? What websites can you recommend in generating MAZE PUZZLES and other #TEACHINGTOOLS?

Share them in the comment box below! HAPPY TEACHING AND LEARNING!

2 responses to “#TEACHINGTOOLS – How to Create A Maze Puzzle In Your Activity Sheets”

  1. gaillovesgod Avatar

    This is so cool! Thanks for sharing, and teaching! 🙂

    1. jevannel Avatar

      Thank you very much also Gail for leaving a comment. Happy blogging!

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