Worth Reposting: from The Storytellers

maybe, one of the things that we sometimes forget when it comes to love and dating is that if a person really wants to pursue you, he will—he will be ready, he will take a risk, and he will not wait for you to beg for what you want or need.

relationships require communication, but if you aren’t heard and understood—then what’s the point?
relationships are two-way, but if you’re the only one fighting for it, then, why even try?
relationships are supposed to help you grow, but if it makes you slowly wither and die inside, then, why even wish for it?

so, if you are not ready, if you’re not sure, if you have any doubts—don’t start anything with anyone.

ponder on what you really want or need, before dragging other people in your farce—innocent hearts whose only intention was to love you completely.

and, if you ever find yourself in situations like this, i know it hurts, but their indecision is never a reflection of your worth; you just met the wrong person at this time.

when the right person comes at the right time, you’ll just laugh this one off, and say, “damn, i’m glad i didn’t settle.”

—Cho Amisola, The Storytellers

Art: ari.nunnunano

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