Category: STUDENTS

  • Best Sources of Extra Income for Students in the Philippines

    Best Sources of Extra Income for Students in the Philippines

    Choosing the best extra income source depends on your skills, interests, and available time. Here are some options for students in the Philippines, along with reliable links: Pin source: Online Opportunities: Offline Opportunities: Resources: Remember, it’s important to choose a source of extra income that fits your schedule and skills. Don’t hesitate to try…

  • Conquering Final Exams: Top Study Tips

    Conquering Final Exams: Top Study Tips

    The post offers top study tips for acing final exams: 1. Plan ahead and create a realistic study schedule. 2. Organize study materials for easy access. 3. Review semester notes to identify areas for review. 4. Set specific study times and find a quiet place to focus. 5. Read, take notes, and write everything you…

  • At ANU, they offer postgraduate scholarships!

    At ANU, they offer postgraduate scholarships!

    I have inquired about the postgraduate scholarship at Australian National University and sharing to you their reply to my query. Scholarships Your eligibility for a scholarship is highly dependent on your individual circumstances, including your interest area, study level, and selection criteria. Please visit our scholarships page for more information. You might find it useful to use…

  • How Coffee Can Help You Improve Your Studying Habits

    How Coffee Can Help You Improve Your Studying Habits

    Coffee is a popular beverage that is enjoyed by people all over the world. It has many benefits, including increased energy levels, improved focus, and concentration, and boosted memory. For students, coffee can be a powerful tool to help improve studying habits and academic performance. In this article, we will discuss how coffee can help…

  • How To Study Effectively: 11 Practical Ways to Do It

    How To Study Effectively: 11 Practical Ways to Do It

    Studying is an essential part of learning, whether it be for school, work, or personal development. Effective study habits can help you absorb new information, remember it better, and perform better in your academic or professional pursuits. In this article, we will discuss some tips and strategies for how to study effectively. Set clear goals….

  • A Tutorial on How to Generate E-Certificates after Accomplishing the Google Form

    A Tutorial on How to Generate E-Certificates after Accomplishing the Google Form

    Some people are more comfortable using YouTube videos for this tutorial, but if you are like me, I prefer reading instructions. So, this post is A Tutorial on How to Generate E-Certificates after Accomplishing the Google Form. Honestly, I am always amazed that after accomplishing evaluation sheets using Google Forms, I can instantly get my…

  • How To Improve Memory

    How To Improve Memory

    Many people find it hard to learn how to improve MEMORY. There are several contributing factors to this dilemma. Some individuals are so stressed that they start losing focus on what they are doing and experience symptoms of memory loss. Students are not excused from this condition. If you want to learn how to improve…

  • Awesome Tips To Start the Semester Right

    Awesome Tips To Start the Semester Right

    The second semester for AY 2022-2023 has just started 💚 I am making this post for my students and everyone preparing for the next term/semester in your uni so you can start the semester right! 1. Plot your class schedules 💚 Our school has a system that allows the faculty and students to get their…

  • Practical Ways To Study Effectively

    Practical Ways To Study Effectively

    Hello to you! Welcome or welcome back to my blog. This blog is filled with content about Learning | Happy Living | Personality Development | Self-Care | Study Tips | Study Essentials | Teaching Tools | and Research Tips. So, you are here to learn how to study effectively. Before I give you the practical…

  • How to Upgrade Your Google Drive Storage

    How to Upgrade Your Google Drive Storage

    Learning How to Upgrade Your Google Drive Storage is vital, especially when you store lots of documents and other files in your Google Drive. This is beneficial for students at any level and teachers. The good thing about upgrading your Google Drive storage is that all other Google Services (Gmail, Google Photos, and more) can…